Services I Offer
With You Every Step of the Way

Individual Counseling
A Happier, Healthier You
In our sessions, we’ll work to solve current problems and review your thoughts. I will help you “re-frame” your reactions and provide you with valuable tools to cope with life’s obstacles. Get in touch to book an appointment.
Couples Counseling
Here For You
Feeling a bit down lately and nothing seems to lift your spirits? It might be time to seek help from a licensed professional. My Couples Counseling sessions help couples develop positive attitudes towards life’s most complex and challenging circumstances. Contact me today and let me help you find the best in yourself.

Discernment Counseling
Helping you evaluate your relationship together
Discernment Counseling is a special 5 to 6 session type of couples designed for Couples On The Brink of
Divorce. For details either contact me or go to .
Family Counseling
Strengthening Families
Families are a system, all members are critical pieces to one another. I enjoy working with everyone and joining the process of forming a strong team achieving its goals! Contact me for an appointment.